“Before this new organization jumps into comprehensive planning for ‘green infrastructure’ or begins a major fund-raising campaign; we want to understand how parks are used today and Iowans’ expectations for the future.” says Kent Sovern, Executive Director of the Parks Foundation.
The on-line survey is the first step in a citizen engagement process that will include community meetings that will be scheduled around the state in the late fall and early winter. The Foundation will host community forums as well as smaller targeted focus groups in each region of the state.
“We have designed an online assessment tool to help identify recreational interests, patterns of park use, quality and condition of state park facilities and user priorities for park improvements for the future.” Sovern said. “With broad-based citizen and community input, we hope to create an action plan that preserves, enhances and transforms the recreational and natural resources environment throughout Iowa.”
To participate in the survey, visit the Foundation’s web site at www.iaparks.org and click on the IPF logo on the right hand side of the page. It will take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete the survey.
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