Plan to be in Quasqueton, Iowa on Saturday, October 24th for an event titled "An Afternoon with Frank Lloyd Wright". Why there? Well, the Wright-designed Lowell Walter House (or "Cedar Rock") is close by and this event is presented by the Cedar Rock Friends Group. Read more after the jump...
"An Afternoon with Frank Lloyd Wright" will feature two speakers: Steve Sikora and Phil Fedderson. Steve Sikora calls himself a Wright home restorationist. Mr. Sikora has an design firm in Minnesota. He and his wife are the current owner of the Wright designed Willey House. His presentation is titled "Wright to Life" and will include some first hand home-owner experiences.
Phil Feddersen is a semi-retired architect from Iowa who not only has been photographing Wright's buildings for almost 60 years he was a friend of Wright's personal secretary Eugene Masselink. His presentation is titled "Wrightian Fragments" and should be a wealth of information on many things Wright.
The Cedar Rock Friends Group is a growing group of wonderful people who are willing to volunteer their time and energies to support the Walter House at Cedar Rock State Park. Their defined mission statement is "To support and sustain the preservation, maintenance, and development of Frank Lloyd Wright's Walter House through education, promotion, and fundraising,"
The event starts at 1:00 p.m. at the American Legion Hall in downtown Quasqueton, IA and ends at 4:00 p.m. so that participants can catch the last tour of the day at Cedar Rock - which is at 4:30 p.m. Guests are asked to donate $7.00 to the Cedar Rock Friends Group to help defray expenses of the event. People with questions, or who want to reserve a chair are invited to e-mail Cedar_Rock@dnr.iowa.gov.
This looks like it will be a fantastic event that should not be missed! See you there!
Seating is limited, so please reserve your place today. For reservations or additional information, contact Pat Schmitz, Cedar Rock State Park by e-mail at Cedar_Rock@dnr.iowa.gov or by phone at (319) 934-3572.
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