Park use in Iowa is at an all time high and yet most of our state parks have become virtually self-service as we are challenged to repair or replace many outdated facilities. I think we are making great strides as we begin the transformation of our parks and strengthen the interpretive educational offerings available to visitors. I need your help with this effort.

In the near term, your investment will help finance critical improvements in 22 State Parks, preserves and recreation areas in 2011. I know our work will be of long-term benefit to all Iowans and will result in healthier Iowans, a healthier environment and healthier local economies as we build toward the 2020 centennial of the founding of the Iowa Parks System.
Your personal financial investment is absolutely critical to the success of our efforts. Through your contribution, you will support education outreach initiatives, advocacy with state and federal agencies, ongoing marketing and communication efforts and creation of a statewide constituency in support of parks and other places of natural beauty. Please consider your gift as one of vision, forethought and leadership in our shared efforts.

If you invest $125 or more, you will receive a complimentary subscription to Iowa Outdoors magazine, published six times each year and dedicated to providing readers with all of the latest information regarding Iowa’s natural resources. Iowa Outdoors brings you in-depth articles on Iowa’s natural resources including coverage about recreation, natural resources management and a broad spectrum of topics related to the outdoors.
What has the Iowa Parks Foundation accomplished to date?
In partnership with the Iowa DNR, we completed a comprehensive state park asset inventory and needs assessment catalogue.
We developed a database of more than 350,000 Iowans who are identified as active supporters of environmental conservation and outdoor recreation activities.
We developed a communications strategy to be implemented in 2011 that will motivate Iowans to engage and volunteer in IPF programs and activities through their local parks.
In 2010, Iowa legislators approved a $5 million annual appropriation (for 5 years) to begin the effort of re-building Iowa’s system of parks, forests, preserves and other places of natural beauty.
The IPF worked as a member of Iowa’s Water and Land Legacy Coalition to encourage Iowa voters to approve the Iowa Land and Water Legacy Amendment - approved in November by an impressive margin.
These are important early steps to restore our parks but they are just the beginning. We need your help to continue the journey as we look forward to our 2011 goals for park transformation:
Build state-wide constituency of supporters for long-term sustainability.
Secure resources to match the investment made by the State Legislature in our parks. This will include applying for support from many potential corporate and foundation partners.
Finalize market research and begin citizen input for the 21st Century park master plan.
For more information on Iowa Parks Foundation, please check out our website at – I appreciate your time and hope you will join me in this effort.

Kindest Regards
Kent Sovern
The Iowa Parks Foundation is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a not-for-profit private charity under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN 26-3418492). Your contribution to the Foundation is fully tax deductible under § 170 of the Code.
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