Download the details for the Summit details.
The goal is to engage youth and adults in a planning process to address “Nature Deficit Disorder.” We hope to have about 25 teams of 3-5 kids and adults attend, work together to develop plans to get more kids outside and execute those plans back home.
Download, complete and submit the Outdoor Youth Summit Registration Form.
Iowa Outdoor Youth Summit
Saturday, April 10, 2010 from 9am – 5pm
Sunday, April 11*, 2010 from 8 am – noon
April 23‐25, 2010: Participants follow‐up with initial action steps for their efforts as part of Global Youth Service Day
*April 11 is an optional day for participating in outdoor activities that can be shared with novices back home
Springbrook Conservation Education Center, north of Guthrie Center, IA
Bring together “teams” of youth and adult mentors from across the state to develop action plans for getting more kids outdoors in their local area
develop a comprehensive action plan for getting kids outside
strengthen relationships between environmental and youth development organizations
initiate, energize and support collaborative work
Teams of 1‐2 adult mentors and 3‐4 young people (under age 25) who want to do something to get more kids outdoors
April 10 Working Session
$50/team of 4; $10 for each additional person*
$15 for individuals (We strongly encourage teams of at least 4 from a location to facilitate
partnerships and support for local projects.)
April 11 Recreation Session
*Covers costs of meal/breaks. Iowa DNR Springbrook Conservation Education Center is donating use of the facility; DNR’s Aquatic Education
Program is subsidizing costs of materials/supplies; Several facilitators are donating their services
**Covers cost of dinner Saturday evening and breakfast Sunday; program costs donated by partners
Register a team by completing the registration form and submitting to the Aquatic Education
Organizations and groups –
o Come and share your expertise and resources
o Recruit a team from your area
o Support a team from your area (registration, travel, help with implementation)
For More Information or Registration Forms:
Email AquaticEd_Info@dnr.iowa.gov
Call 641‐747‐2200
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