Our balmy-at-times November so far may have misled you. Things are cooling down now, though. All that's missing is the snow and wind for Iowa's winter bird feeding season to settle down around us.
Actually, most of those winter birds are here. That's why it's a good idea to get those cold weather feeding stations up and running. "It will help establish their feeding patterns. You'll be on the 'circuit,' so to speak, for those migratory birds that are moving around right now," explains Pat Schlarbaum, nongame wildlife technician with the Department of Natural Resources.
And there are a lot of us out there. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service says one-third of Iowans watch wildlife. And more than 400,000 of us take our wildlife viewing on the road. Between serious birders traveling to hard-to-reach viewing areas and families with a pair of binoculars in the park, birds and birding make up a big share of that demand.
It all starts in your backyard. "We've definitely seen an increase in traffic; people coming in buying feeders and stuff," notes Ronda Wilson, who runs Birds Eye View in Coralville. "They're buying black oil sunflower seeds...that interests most of the native songbirds. Some of them are getting specific seed to attract specific species, though."

If you stock just one feeder, or just one type of feed, black oil sunflower seed is the standard. "It's the most widely appreciated feed for the 'more desirable' species; the cardinals, nuthatches, chickadees, the tufted titmice," said Schlarbaum.
Though you can take home seed in 25 or 50 pound bags, to get a break in the price, the spike in the seed oil market has rounded off in the past year. The continent-wide ethanol boom over the last couple years didn't just create a demand for more corn. It also hiked interest in peanuts, safflower and sunflower seeds. That sent prices higher, particularly in 2008, with flood related losses and higher transportation costs. "Prices are down significantly this fall," relays Wilson. "They had gone through the roof; sunflower seeds, nyjer and peanuts, a year or so ago."
Depending on your interest...and the size of your feeding area, you can

Overall, the message is simple. If you fill it, they will come. Still, serious backyard bird barons work a couple more 'feather factors' into their feeding regime. A water source; say a bird bath with a heating element, can multiply the bird population. A quick splash lets birds clean themselves and better regulate body heat; critical for those tiny bodies in bitter cold weather.
On the other hand, you may have too many birds. "House sparrows, grackles...some of the more undesirable species; you have some luck luring them away if you scatter some cracked corn or the cheaper feed mixes in a back corner of your property," suggests Schlarbaum.
If you're a 'no-squirrel advocate,' like me, safflower seeds do not appeal to them...but are favorites of cardinals. Most full service wildlife stores have squirrel-proof feeders...and others that discourage sparrows. Wilson says there is a big move toward 'green feeders;' those made from recycled plastic, rather than wood.
The view from your window is hard to beat, on a subzero day with the flitting reds, whites and blues...and ten shades of gray. And the time spent filling those feeders and maybe even looking a little beyond your back yard, gets you and your family outdoors, too...even it if is just watching from the window.
Getting Started? Stepping it Up?
Any full service bird supply store or counter can answer your 'getting started' questions, if you want to feed the birds or otherwise enjoy winter wildlife. It might take just an $8 dollar feeder and a small bag of sunflower seed. Most veteran feeders discourage setting out the cheap mixes which are heavy on millet. From there, though, the sky's the limit, for feeder choices and the various seeds, suet and side treats.
A variety of websites and blogs are out there, too. Hopefully, you'll remember your goal is to enjoy the outdoors...not stare at a computer screen. A few good sites to get you rolling include: www.iowabirds.org, www.icbirdss.org, www.audubon.org and the DNR's website; www.iowadnr.gov (click on nongame wildlife, left column).
Check out this great video from Iowa DNR
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