Slogans need to be two to five words and reflect what volunteering means to Iowa's natural resources.
Slogans may be submitted to the DNR via Twitter at www.twitter.com/iowadnr; through Facebook via the "Iowa Department of Natural Resources" fan page; or email at dnr.volunteer@dnr.iowa.gov. Be sure to include your name, email address, phone number and indicate "KOL Slogan" with the entry.
Deadline to enter is March 1, 2010. The top three slogans will be placed on the DNR's Facebook page on March 5 and the entry with the most "likes" by 4:30 p.m., March 15, will be declared the winner.
The person who submits the winning slogan will receive two free nights of camping in any Iowa state park, a one-year subscription to Iowa Outdoors magazine, an Iowa Sportsman's Atlas and more.
Volunteers are an important component to managing Iowa's natural resources, from helping to restore prairies, creating state parks friends groups and more. In 2009, more than 93,000 hours were donated by more than 24,100 volunteers to enhance and preserve Iowa's natural resources.